As many of you are aware, this years' patches didn’t make it to us on playa to hand out to you as we've done in previous years. First, let us say: we’re JUST as disappointed as you are. It was excruciating to have to tell you (as you followed directions so well and swung back on through our alley office, thank you for visiting us) that no, patches were not, in fact, in yet. They actually arrived in Gerlach after we’d left playa.
The good news is that friendly office volunteers (shout out to Jaguar from Arctica!) helped the Big Box of Patches™ find its way from Gerlach to our house in San Francisco, and they're ready to go to their forever homes.
If you worked 3+ shifts in our department this year (not including your refresh training), you should have already received an email from us with instructions on getting the patch you earned into your hands (please remember to read the entire thing and follow all the instructions). If you worked 3+ shifts (not including your refresh training) and you didn't get an email about getting your patch, first check your spam filters for an email from Jenneviere, and if you still can't find it please email and we'll look into it.
Can’t wait for you all to get your patches - they’re stunning!